A Million Dollar Smile
5 Tips for Healthy Teeth

Abou Slaam Aljoma
3 min readMay 19, 2021

Hello, my name is Thomas Spear, and I’ve been a long-time researcher dedicated to assisting people all over the world in improving their lives and raising concerns about how everyone can sustain their healthier teeth.

To achieve healthy teeth, a lifetime of dental care is needed. Even if you’ve been advised you have healthy teeth, it’s important to take the necessary steps to care for them and prevent problems daily. This includes using the right oral hygiene products and being conscious of the daily routines.
From youth to old age, there are a few easy ways to keep teeth solid and safe.

1. Avoid sugary foods

A Million Dollar Smile
5 Tips for Healthy Teeth

When bacteria break down simple sugars in the mouth, acids are produced, which can erode tooth enamel and lead to decay.
Sugary beverages, such as soft drinks and fruit juices, are particularly dangerous when people like to sip them, raising acid levels over time.
Carbonated beverages can aggravate the situation because carbonation increases acidity. Sticky candies are also a problem since they stick to the teeth’ surfaces.

2. Drink more water

Drink more water

Water is the safest beverage for general wellbeing, as well as oral health. Many experts often prescribe drinking water after each meal as a general rule. In between brushes, this will help wipe out any of the unpleasant effects of oily and acidic foods and liquids.

3. Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables

Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables

Ready-to-eat meals are handy, but they may not be that good for the teeth.
Clean, crunchy produce is not only higher in dietary fiber, but it is also better for your teeth.
Try to stay away from highly packaged foods, avoid chopping items into tiny bits, and use your jaws!

4. Limit sugary and acidic foods

Limit sugary and acidic foods

In the mouth, sugar breaks down into acid, which erodes tooth enamel. which erodes the enamel of the teeth. Cavities are caused by these acids.
Teeth enamel can be eroded by acidic vegetables, teas, and coffee.
Although you don’t have to eliminate these foods, it’s still a good idea to be aware.

5. Take the Right Vitamins

Take the Right Vitamins

Vitamins are an integral part of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Vitamins aid in tissue repair and connectivity building.
It is crucial for the gums and teeth’ periodontal wellbeing.
Vitamins can also help to prevent canker sores from forming and causing tooth discomfort.
My life’s ambition is to live in a world where everybody can comfortably and affordably sustain their teeth and gums’ natural wellbeing.
That’s why I’ve spent the majority of my study time experimenting with and researching different methods that might have a significant positive effect on people’s lives.

6. Watch the following video to learn more

